Monday, April 23, 2012



They are cool.


 They train very hard to go out in the field.

Meaning of Life

                                             Which activities make you lose track of time?
                                             What's something you should always be careful with?
                                              What's something that used to scare you ,but no longer does?
                                              The Grudge

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Meaning Of Life

                                                           What is your life motto?
                                                           If you can't do it do it better.
                                                           What is the biggest motivator in your life right now?                                                   My father because he has taught me a lot.
                                                           In one sentence, what do you wishfor your future self?                                                   
                                                           A wealthy young man.
                                                           What fascinates you?
                                                           The universe.
                                                            Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?                                                
                                                            Yes, I am doing what I believe in.